Saturday, January 16, 2010

Movie Review: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

It's not Pixar, it's not Dreamworks, it's Sony Pictures Animation. To be honest, I just always assumed all animated movies were either Pixar or Dreamworks...who knew? This isn't even Sony's first endeavor into animation (Open Season, Surf's Up, Monster House). It is, however, their best. Surf's Up was good, but I liked this one a little bit more. It had a decent story, not very believable, but who cares about believable stories in a cartoon movie? More importantly this movie actually gave me some laughs. The characters were enjoyable and there was even a talking monkey! Having a talking monkey is always a good idea.

Mr. T had a pretty big part, playing the police officer of the town, he was funny, and it was good to see him working in something other than a Worlds of Warcraft commercial. Other voices included Bill Hader(Adventureland, Forgetting Sarah Marshall), Anna Faris(Scary Movie, Just Friends), Bruce Campbell(Evil Dead, Burn Notice), and Neil Patrick Harris(you know who he is!).

So check it. It's a cute movie, good for the whole family, and don't forget...talking monkey! (voiced by Harris)

PS - This is the company that will be bringing us the upcoming movie, The Smurfs(2011).

Rating: 3 Stars

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