Monday, May 24, 2010

Movie Review: Zombieland

I will start by saying this...I do not like zombie movies. The only ones I'd say are even decent are Shaun of the Dead and Resident Evil. With that said, I actually enjoyed Zombieland, I think Woody Harrleson and Jesse Eisenberg do a great job and are quite funny. It's possible I appreciate the comical "zombie" flick more than a serious one, but either way, I liked it, it made me laugh. I was entertained throughout and that's really what's important. Columbus (Eisenberg) has an entire set of rules that helps him stay alive in this so called "zombieland" and I guess they work because he is one of five people yet to be killed or turned into a zombie. Tallahassee(Harrelson) is hysterical, with his immense desire for a "twinkie" and the utter joy he takes in dispatching the "undead." Bill Murray has a cameo as well and does a pretty good job of playing himself. Witchita(Emma Stone) and Little Rock(Abigail Breslin) round out the cast, as the other two survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Breslin usually annoys the shit out of me, but she did not do so in this movie (must be that she is older now). Eventually all four characters find each other and make their own little "normal family". All in all its a good movie and worth a watch. I know, I know, I've been saying that a lot lately. What can I say, I have finally gone on a stretch of multiple good movies...And in the words of Tallahassee "nut up or shut up" and watch this movie.

Rating: 3 3/4

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